Wrestling Mayhem Show

Pro Wrestling Chat with Fans

About the show

Unleash the Excitement: Dive into the World of Wrestling Fandom! Join us for an unfiltered exploration of professional and independent wrestling, where the spotlight is on pure enjoyment. Get ready for surprise visits from wrestling icons, including TNA, WWE Legends, Ring of Honor superstars, and rising talents, all sharing their perspectives on our half-decade-long online extravaganza. Discover the ultimate wrestling fan experience at www.WrestlingMayhemShow.com

Wrestling Mayhem Show on social media


  • Where Do You Put All The People?!?! | Wrestling Mayhem Show 629

    August 8th, 2018  |  1 hr 36 mins
    alicia fox, all in, bouncy house, cage match, chest flexor, christopher daniels, cloak, commentary, evolution, fite.tv, great milenko, grim reaper, hall of fame, hof, honor club, icp, kane, knock knock jokes, mark cuban, marshall gambino, matt conard, matt light, mayhem, mayor, new japan, njpw, podcast, raw, ronda rousey, stephen amell, wgn, wms, women, wrestling, wwe

    Matt Conard and Bradley are in studio this week to talk wrestling news and views with Mad Mike and Sorg.

  • Women Talking Women's Wrestling | Wrestling Mayhem Show 628

    August 1st, 2018  |  1 hr 31 mins
    all in, brian lawler, brickhouse brown, cd, chikara, cody rhodes, colt cabana, debut, elias, evolution, greatest royal rumble, honey badger, impact, john morrison, kaiju, kaiju big battel, kickstarter, lucha underground, main event, matt cross, mayhem, nikolai volkoff, regina badger, revenge pro, tna, women, wrestling, wwe

    Our Impact Therapy group needed some therapy from their therapy, so we're returning to our regularly-scheduled podcasting. This week Mad Mike and Sorg are joined by Honey Badger and Lola Bradbury to get some perspective on current things in wrestling.

  • Impact Therapy 2

    July 25th, 2018  |  1 hr 24 mins
    impact wrestling

    Pittsburgh Pro Wrestling Legend Shirley Doe and Mad Mike get together for another session of Impact Therapy as they recall the Hulk Hogan years of TNA Impact Wrestling, the early days at the Asylum, and we diverge into weird movie talk just because we needed a break. And check out more of that at www.bandsaboutmovies.com!

  • 10...9...8... | Wrestling Mayhem Show 627

    July 17th, 2018  |  1 hr 41 mins
    awesomecast, bobby lashley, bruno sammartino, dojo pro, efeds, elias, extreme rules, gathering of the juggalos, gotj, history, hulk hogan, iron man, iron man match, jeff hardy, joey janela, john cena, kevin owens, mad mike mail, mayhem, nashville, pancake, pittsburgh, podcast, rob johnston, roman reigns, shania twain, shinsuke, shinsuke nakamura, steelers, terry bollea, wrestling, wwe

    Rob Johnston joins us to talk about some Dojo Pro wrestling. He, of course, is joined by our usual stable of ne'er-do-wells including Sorg, Dave Podnar, and Alex Kahrs as they talk this week in wrestling.

  • Bullet Club Civil War | Wrestling Mayhem Show 626

    July 11th, 2018  |  1 hr 39 mins
    bald eagles, baron corbin, bullet club, champions of the galaxy, civil war, dojo pro, elias, extreme rules, filsinger games, finn balor, galacticon, jim ross, jr, kenny omega, mayhem, new japan, njpw, podcast, primanti’s, rob johnston, san francisco, the rock, thrifty, todd joerchel, wrestling, wwe

    Todd Joerchel of Filsinger Games joins Dave Podnar, Larry, and Sorg as we talk - you guessed it - this week in wrestling!

  • UpRyse | Wrestling Mayhem Show 625

    July 4th, 2018  |  1 hr 59 mins
    ecw, indy wrestling, new japan, ryse wrestling, upryse wrestling, wcw, wwe network

    Marcus Mann and Matt Conard from Ryse Wrestling join us for a BIG announcement! They are joined by Sorg, Larry, Rizz, and Bobby as they talk this week's wrestling news.

  • You Can't Always Have A Clean Finish | Wrestling Mayhem Show 624

    June 26th, 2018  |  1 hr 40 mins
    bad finishes, bayley, blackcraft wrestling, braun strowman, bugs bunny, burning bridges, charlotte flair, chris lerusso, counseling, daniel tiger, fireball, great sex, joe dombrowski, joey janela, kevin owens, lost in new york, mayhem, raw, ring of honor, sd live, sex, smackdown, smackdown live, tag team champion, wms, wrestling, wrestling mayhem, wwe

    The Heir Apparent, Chris LeRusso, is back in studio this week - with some Tag Team bling on his shoulder. He is joined by Sorg, Larry, Mad Mike, and Bobby as they talk this week's wrestling news.

  • Midweek Infinity War | Wrestling Mayhem Show 623

    June 20th, 2018  |  1 hr 39 mins
    aleister black, andre the giant, bachelor, bachelorette, big cass, bubba the bulldog, bubba the love sponge, carmella, daniel eads, e3, el jefe, elite, enzo, hot topic, idiot radio, james ellsworth, lucha underground, marriage, mayhem, mitb, money in the bank, new day, nino wrestles the world, nxt, nxt takeover, nxt uk, podcast, reading rainbow, reigns, release, rey mysterio, rey mysterio day, rhonda rousey, roman reigns, rusev day, street fighter, the elite, the new day, uk tournament, walmart, wrestling, wrestling mayhem show, wwe, xavier woods

    Todd DeFazio of Idiot Radio returns to the show this week. He is joined by Mad Mike, Mainstream Matt, Larry, and Sorg, as they're on the heels of Money in the Bank.

  • Kaiju of NXT | Wrestling Mayhem Show 622

    June 13th, 2018  |  1 hr 55 mins
    aj styles, brock lesnar, cm punk, colt cabana, david starr, honky tonk man, house show, irs, jaye cooper, journalism, lars sullivan, mayhem, mayhem show, mike quackenbush, mitb, money in the bank, nakamura, new japan, njpw, nxt, podcast, ross berman, snitsky, super indy, takeover, trial, wms, wrestle zone, wrestlezone, wrestling, wwe, wwe network

    We’ve got a special treat this week as we’re joined by Wrestle Zone’s Ross Berman! He is joined by our in-studio guest Jaye Cooper, as well as our usual group of wrestling fans with Sorg, Larry, and Bobby.

  • Love Is Heel AF | Wrestling Mayhem Show 621

    June 5th, 2018  |  1 hr 9 mins
    cm punk, ec3, ethan carter, impact, john cena, mauro ranallo, mayhem, new japan, nikki bella, njpw, nxt, podcast, punk, raw, relationship, ricochet, rusev day, sd live, smackdown, tna, ufc, velveteen dream, wrestling, wwe, xfl

    Sorg, Larry, and Mad Mike take us through this week’s wrestling(ish) news.

  • Fake Shawn and Fake Diesel | Wrestling Mayhem Show 620

    May 30th, 2018  |  1 hr 14 mins
    3mb, backstreet boys, broken matt hardy, bullet club, chikara, ec3, enzo amore, impact, instagram, jim ross, john cena, jr, king maxel, matt hardy, mayhem, mayhem show, monday night raw, music video, new japan, nickelodeon, njpw, nwa, raw, sami zayn, title, tna, wrestling, wwe

    We're back from a week hiatus with Sorg, Larry, and Mad Mike as they talk this week in wrestling.

  • Booyaka, Booyaka | Wrestling Mayhem Show 619

    May 15th, 2018  |  1 hr 27 mins
    205 live, 619, all in, booyaka, cm punk, earworm, entrance music, funko, funko pop, king of trios, kot, mayhem show, podcast, raw, rey mysterio, sd live, smackdown, thrifty, thrifty podcast, wms, wrestling, wrestling buddy, wwe

    Toddy (and friends) from the THRIFTY Podcast joins us to talk some of our favorite things this week! As usual, our guest is joined by a shake-up of our own talent pool. This week we’ve got Bobby F-Jtown, Larry, and Sorg talking this week in wrestling.

  • Double Entendre Backlash | Wrestling Mayhem Show 618

    May 8th, 2018  |  1 hr 19 mins
    apex of combat, backlash, bullet club, chris jericho, indy wrestling, kevin owens, ko, lee moriarty, lucha underground, mayhem, mitb, money in the bank, new japan, podcast, pop, ppv, raw, roh, ryse wrestling, sd live, sdlive, smackdown, title, wrestling, wwe

    Sorg, Mad Mike and Larry are joined by the scariest dude we know in indy wrestling for this week's episode. That's right - Lee Moriarty joins us to talk this week in wrestling.

  • Jake The Snake Walks Into A Bar | Wrestling Mayhem Show 617: Jake The Snake Walks Into A Bar

    May 2nd, 2018  |  1 hr 25 mins
    backlash, glenn jacobs, greatest royal rumble, grr, hardy brothers, iwc, jake the snake, jeff hardy, kane, legacy, matt hardy, maxxout, mayhem, mayhem show, meadville, millvale music festival, politics, samoan, story, tag team title, virgil, wrestling, wwe

    It’s a full house (of sorts) as we’re joined by MaxXouT heading into the Millvale Music Festival in a couple of weeks. They are joined by Sorg, Larry, and Mad Mike this week.

  • Infinity Mayhem | Wrestling Mayhem Show 616

    April 25th, 2018  |  1 hr 35 mins
    dolph ziggler, greatest royal rumble, laura loveless, music, nakamura, wwe, wwe raw

    This week’s episode brought to you by Slice on Broadway, Occupy Pro Wrestling, and Indy Wrestling US!

    Women's wrestler The Valkyrie Laura Loveless joins the show for the first time. Mad Mike, Rizz, Sorg and Larry preside.

    We discuss the matches and the social problems with The Greatest Royal Rumble in Saudi Arabia
    We argue over quinoa
    This week’s Big Question: Which wrestlers should have new theme music?
    What did YOU learn in wrestling this week?
    Our good friend, Rizz is raising money and awareness through the Dick’s Sporting Goods Foundation Team Pittsburgh 2018 Pittsburgh Marathon. Check out his fundraiser page at: https://www.crowdrise.com/dsgfpitt2018/fundraiser/zachrizza

    Follow our stable on Twitter: wrestling Laura Loveless ( @laura_loveless), Larry (@MutilatorLarry), Sorg (@Sorgatron), and Mad Mike (@MadMike4883)

    If you are in Pittsburgh, you’ve got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)

    You can support the show at Patreon.com/wrestlingmayhemshow!

    Go to wrestlingmayhemshow.com for more entertainment!

    Remember to LIKE and FOLLOW us on Facebook for updates and video.

  • Nanny Nikki | Wrestling Mayhem Show 615

    April 18th, 2018  |  1 hr 26 mins
    #hiac, big bob, bracket, break-up, brian cage, brock lesnar, calvin couture, carson daly, dj z, greatest royal rumble, hell in a cell, honky tonk man, impact, iwc, jack swagger, jeff hardy, john cena, mambo italiano, march madness, mark henry, maryse, mayhem, mikey, miztourage, ncaa, night of the superstars, night of the superstars 7, nikki bella, ophidian, pancakes, ptsd, raw, rebound, rey mysterio, smackdown, smackdown live, superstar shakeup, the avengers, the miz, tna, wrestlemania, wrestling, wwe, x-pac

    This week’s episode brought to you by Slice on Broadway, Occupy Pro Wrestling, and Indy Wrestling US!

    We have a full studio this week as we're joined by Mambo Italiano and Calvin Couture of Golden Chic International. As for the mayhem crew, Mad Mike has returned from WrestleMania, and Sorg and Larry are keeping our guests company in Sorgatron Media studio.